Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Representative industry email list Director: Yuta Iriya, hereinafter "Access Japan"), which sells and provides SEO / Web marketing services, is a free SEO tool " Power " that can investigate the SEO strength of domains. Using the " Rank Check Tool ", we investigated the industry email list power rank fluctuation status of 1083 sites (domains) listed in the " Power Rank Ranking " that ranks the power ranks of websites and blogs , and released it on.
April 1, 2020. (The survey was industry email list conducted in April 2020). "Power rank" is a numerical value of the value of a domain, which is also called domain power, from the SEO point of view, using a calculation formula unique to Access Japan from various data. In "Power Rank Ranking", we investigate the domains of websites and blogs that have been approved in advance, and publish the ranking by power rank together with the domain age (the period from domain acquisition to the present).
Doing. This time, in April 2020, we measured the industry email list power rank of the 1083 domain listed in the power rank ranking and compared it with the previously measured power rank of March to investigate the fluctuation situation. The fluctuation status industry email list of the power rank is as follows. Status of increase in power rank ・ Increased power rank of 499 domains (46.1%)
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