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Routine is consistently found to be important for children. A bedtime routine is associated with increased family functioning and improved sleep habits.4,5 Family routines have been linked to the development of social skills and academic success,6 and adherence to family routines has been identified as important for family resilience during times of crisis.7 However, the importance of routine is not unique to children. Observational research indicates that individuals in good health engage in highly routine health behaviors. For example, those successful at maintaining weight loss often eat the same foods, engage in consistent exercise, and do not skip meals.8-10 While the preponderance of observational-level research points to the importance of routine, little attention has been paid to the role routine may have in lifestyle medicine. Instead, health behavior research often focuses on patient adherence.


A study conducted in the United Kingdom examined how long it takes for adults to form a health habit.15 Participants were asked to choose a simple dietary or physical activity behavior they did not currently practice to turn into a habit. Behaviors were cued by a single event during the day (e.g., eating a piece of fruit with lunch, drinking a glass of water after breakfast, doing 50 sit-ups after morning coffee, and walking for 10 minutes after breakfast). On average it took 66 days before habits became automatic for participants.15 Although not significant, physical activity behaviors, which are arguably more complicated than eating or drinking around a meal time, took 1.5 times longer to become automatic than eating or drinking. This illustrates that more complex combinations of behaviors required to prevent disease (routines) are likely to take considerably longer than the 66-day average found for the simple, single behaviors in this study. In addition to the potential differences between the types of behavior, the time to form a habit varied considerably across individuals. In the same study, habit formation ranged from 18 to 254 days.15 Such variability makes it difficult to form expectations for how long it would take a patient to adopt a simple health behavior. This reinforces the importance of tailoring health advice and treatment expectations to each patient.17,18

Routine vaccines are those recommended for everyone in the United States, depending on age and vaccine history. Most people think of these as childhood vaccines that you get before starting school, but but there are also routine vaccines for adolescents and adults.

Because most U.S. children get routine vaccines, many vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles, mumps, or chickenpox, are not common in the United States. If you are not vaccinated, international travel increases your chances of getting and spreading diseases that are not common in the United Sates. Popular destinations, including Europe, still have outbreaks of measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases.

Make sure you are up-to-date on all of your routine vaccines. Routine vaccinations protect you from infectious diseases such as measles that can spread quickly in groups of unvaccinated people. Many diseases prevented by routine vaccination are not common in the United States but are still common in other countries.

Launched in 2015, the ZRF Initiative commits governments and oil companies, to end routine flaring no later than 2030. The Initiative aims to support cooperation between all relevant stakeholders so that solutions to gas flaring can be found through appropriate regulation, application of technologies, and financial arrangements. Read more >

"As clinicians, we want you to find ways to make routines that support better health," explains Cheryl Beutell, APRN, a psychiatric nurse practitioner at Northwestern Medicine. "If you eat healthy and take care of yourself, you may find some peace of mind."

Thinking routines exist in all classrooms. They are the patterns by which teachers and students operate and go about the job of learning and working together in a classroom environment. A routine can be thought of as any procedure, process, or pattern of actionthat is used repeatedly to manage and facilitate the accomplishment of specific goals or tasks. Classrooms have routines that serve to manage student behavior and interactions, to organize the work of learning, and to establish rules for communication and discourse. Classrooms also have routines that structure the way students go about the process of learning. These learning routines can be simple structures, such as reading from a text and answering the questions at the end of the chapter, or they may be designed to promote students' thinking, such as asking students what they know, what they want to know, and what they have learned as part of a unit of study.

The Toolbox organizes the Thinking Routines into categories that describe the types of thinking the routines help to facilitate. Some routines appear in more than one category, and some routines have different versions that offer modifications for specific age groups or more specific conceptual challenges. When clicking on a routine in the Toolbox, a separate page opens with links to the downloadable PDF of the routine. All routines use a common PZ template describing the purpose of the routine, offering potential applications for the routine, and often providing suggestions for its use and tips for getting started. The PZ research project responsible for developing the routine is noted at the bottom of each page along with the copyright and licensing information and guidance about how to reference the routine. We invite and encourage educators to share their experiences using the routines! Each routine has a #hashtag listed just above the reference information. Jump in and get started!

Core Thinking Routines Simple routines that are applicable across disciplines, topics, and age groups, and can be used at multiple points throughout a learning experience or unit of study. (A good place to start if you or your students are new to thinking routines.)

Simple routines that are applicable across disciplines, topics, and age groups, and can be used at multiple points throughout a learning experience or unit of study. (A good place to start if you or your students are new to thinking routines.)

At routine., we believe your scent is like a fingerprint that tells a unique story. Our credo is to offer beautiful, natural personal products that feel and smell incredible. Everyday routines that do good and are life-changing. To compliment your pheromones without compromise. To honour nature, and to produce products that are kinder to the earth in our neighbourhood of the Canadian Rockies. And to bring the joy, fun, and wild back into the modern bathroom.

This paper presents a conceptual model and reviews the empirical evidence to support a nightly bedtime routine as a key factor in the promotion of not only healthy sleep, but also of broad development and wellbeing in early childhood. A bedtime routine embodies the characteristics of nurturing care and early child stimulation, which are deemed to be essential for positive outcomes, especially for at-risk children. Furthermore, common, adaptive components of a bedtime routine can contribute to an array of positive developmental outcomes beyond improved sleep, inclusive of language development, literacy, child emotional and behavioral regulation, parent-child attachment, and family functioning, among other outcomes. These bedtime routine components include activities in the broad domains of nutrition (e.g., feeding, healthy snack), hygiene (e.g., bathing, oral care), communication (e.g., reading, singing/lullabies) and physical contact (e.g., massage, cuddling/rocking). A bedtime routine can provide multiple benefits to child and family functioning at a time of day that many parents are present with their children. Although additional research on hypothesized routine-related child outcomes and mechanisms of action are needed, promoting a bedtime routine may be a feasible and cost-effective method to promote positive early childhood development worldwide, particularly for socioeconomically disadvantaged and other at-risk young children.

Administrative controls include employee training, supervisory competency, immunization, cough etiquette, workplace policies and procedures that are strictly enforced, and sufficient staffing. Administrative controls are critical to ensure that the principles of routine practices are effectively and properly executed in the workplace.

In addition to routine practices, some workplaces apply additional precautions to prevent and control specific infectious agents. The methods of additional precautions are based on the mode of transmission -- contact, droplet, and airborne. Some microorganisms that require additional precautions include Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), Vanomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), Clostridium Difficile (C. difficile), or other diseases caused by antibiotic or antimicrobial resistant bacteria or organisms, as well as diseases such as anthrax, malaria, and west nile.

This routine is amazing! My scalp now feels balanced, my hair feels soft and light, like it did when I was a child; and my waves have returned. It's almost like I didn't know that my hair wasn't my natural hair until this routine.

Are you interested in receiving regular news, documents, and tools on routine immunization? MOMENTUM produces a quarterly immunization newsletter, Immunization in Focus, designed to keep busy public health professionals abreast of developments in the immunization world.

The County Department of Public Works and Parks Department conduct a range of routine maintenance activities to ensure that County facilities are properly functioning and operational. Primary maintenance activities include vegetation management and sediment removal along roads, trails, ditches, swales, and low impact development features; culvert repair/replacements; roadside slide and slip-out repairs; bank stabilization; and other maintenance at campgrounds, marinas, airports, flood control facilities, and bridges. Historically, the County has developed, permitted, and conducted routine maintenance activities as individual discrete actions. The purpose of developing the Routine Maintenance Program is to provide a more comprehensive, efficient, and consistent approach to conducting and permitting routine maintenance activities. The County recently completed a Routine Maintenance Program Manual (Maintenance Manual), which serves as the basis and project description for CEQA compliance and permit development. The Maintenance Manual identifies maintenance objectives, outcomes, and standards; describes natural resources in the Program area and specific conditions at sites where routine maintenance is anticipated; provides guidance and updated Best Management Practices to avoid and minimize potential environmental impacts during maintenance; describes countywide impact mitigation approaches; and details administration and reporting activities. In accordance with State CEQA Guidelines, the County has conducted CEQA analysis including Notice of Preparation and Public Scoping, preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and Notice of Availability and Public Review. The Final EIR, including Response to Comments, is available for download below. 041b061a72


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