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Ghana Classics A.B Crentsil

LEE DORSEY: The Very Best of Lee Dorsey: Working in a Coal Mine(Music Club)Supplanting Arista's "definitive" Wheelin' and Dealin', thisduplicates "Ya Ya," "Do-Re-Mi," "Holy Cow," "Ride Your Pony," "Get Outof My Life Woman," and "Working in a Coal Mine" natch, all essential,plus the slightly less essential "Everything I Do Gonna Be Funky (FromNow On)." Unlike the Arista it also has the essential "Yes We Can" andthe slightly less essential "Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley." Andit's cheaper. But further comparison of its 16 tracks to the Arista's20 establishes that it's not the "very best." Since Dorsey's lifeworkwas grounding a handful of stone classics in a loamy swamp ofbeguiling oddities, there'll never be a very best. But don't youhanker for some ya ya, not to mention some do-re-mi? A

Ghana Classics | A.B Crentsil



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