Tamasya Ke Surga Ibnul Qayyim Pd
Tamasya Ke Surga: A Journey to Paradise with Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah
Have you ever wondered what heaven looks like? What are the pleasures and joys that await the believers in the hereafter? How can you increase your faith and hope in Allah's promise of paradise? If you are curious about these questions, then you may want to read Tamasya Ke Surga, a classic book by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, one of the most influential scholars of Islam.
Tamasya Ke Surga Ibnul Qayyim Pd
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Tamasya Ke Surga, which means "A Journey to Paradise" in Indonesian, is a translation of Hadil Arwah ilaa Biladil Afroh, a book written by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah in the 14th century. In this book, he describes the beauty and bliss of heaven based on the Quran, the Sunnah and the authentic narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions. He invites the readers to take a tour around paradise and witness its wonders and delights.
In this article, we will give you an overview of Tamasya Ke Surga by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah and highlight some of its main points. We will also share some benefits and tips on how to read this book and apply its teachings to your life. We hope that this article will inspire you to learn more about heaven and strive for it with sincerity and devotion.
Who is Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah?
Before we delve into the book, let us first introduce its author. Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah was a renowned scholar, jurist, theologian and spiritual master who lived in Damascus, Syria, from 1292 to 1350 CE. His full name was Shamsuddin Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr ibn Ayyub ibn Sa'd ibn Hurayz ibn Asakir al-Zar'i al-Dimashqi al-Hanbali.
He was a student and a close friend of Ibn Taymiyyah, another prominent scholar of Islam who was famous for his reformist and revivalist views. Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah followed his teacher in his methodology and principles, but he also had his own contributions and opinions on various issues. He wrote many books on various topics such as jurisprudence, theology, creed, ethics, spirituality, Quranic exegesis, prophetic biography and history.
Some of his most famous works include Zad al-Ma'ad (Provisions for the Hereafter), Al-Wabil al-Sayyib (The Abundant Rain), Ighathat al-Lahfan (Relief for the Distressed), Madarij al-Salikin (The Stations of the Seekers), Miftah Dar al-Sa'adah (The Key to the Abode of Happiness) and Al-Fawa'id (The Benefits).
Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah was known for his deep knowledge, eloquent speech, strong faith, sincere devotion and righteous character. He was respected and admired by many scholars and students of his time and later generations. He was also persecuted and imprisoned several times by the authorities for his views and teachings. He died in 1350 CE at the age of 58.
What is Tamasya Ke Surga about?
Tamasya Ke Surga is a book that aims to increase the faith and hope of the believers in Allah's promise of paradise. It is divided into 26 chapters that cover various aspects of heaven such as its location, size, shape, gates, levels, buildings, inhabitants, rewards, pleasures and eternity.
The book is based on the Quranic verses, the prophetic sayings and the authentic reports from the companions and the righteous predecessors that describe heaven in detail. The author also uses rational arguments and logical proofs to support his claims and refute any doubts or objections that may arise.
The book is written in a simple and clear language that is easy to understand and follow. The author uses vivid imagery and metaphors to convey the beauty and bliss of heaven. He also uses rhetorical questions and exclamations to engage the readers and stir their emotions. He also provides practical advice and guidance on how to attain paradise and avoid hellfire.
The book is not only informative but also inspirational and motivational. It encourages the readers to reflect on their purpose in life and their ultimate destination in the hereafter. It urges them to repent from their sins and perform good deeds that will lead them to paradise. It also warns them against the temptations and distractions of this world that may divert them from their goal.
What are some of the main points of Tamasya Ke Surga?
Here are some of the main points that Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah discusses in Tamasya Ke Surga:
Heaven is a real place that exists beyond this world. It is not a metaphor or a symbol. It is not a state of mind or a feeling. It is not a dream or an illusion. It is a physical reality that Allah has prepared for His righteous servants.
Heaven is a vast place that has no limits or boundaries. It is bigger than the earth
Heaven has eight gates that are named after different types of good deeds such as prayer, fasting, charity, jihad, patience, etc. Each gate has a guardian angel who calls out to those who are eligible to enter through it. Those who enter through one gate can visit other gates as well.
Heaven has many palaces or mansions that are made of gold, silver, pearls, rubies, emeralds and other precious stones. They are decorated with curtains, carpets, cushions and lamps. They have doors that open by themselves when someone approaches them. They have gardens that have rivers flowing beneath them.
Heaven has many trees that are tall and green. They have branches that bend down to offer their fruits to those who want them. They have different kinds of fruits that change according to the seasons. They have leaves that sing praises to Allah.
Heaven has many rivers that are pure and clear. They flow from springs that gush out from beneath the throne of Allah. They have different tastes such as honey, milk, wine and water. They have different colors such as white, red, yellow and green.
Heaven has many animals that are friendly and harmless. They do not bite or harm anyone. They do not defecate or urinate. They do not need food or drink. They are created for the enjoyment of those who like them.
Heaven has many angels that serve those who dwell in it. They greet them with peace and honor them with gifts. They bring them news from Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him). They accompany them wherever they go.
Heaven has many humans who are pure and beautiful. They are free from any defects or diseases. They do not age or die. They do not feel pain or sorrow. They do not envy or hate each other.
Heaven has many spouses who are loyal and loving. They are created from light or pearls or saffron or clay depending on their level of heaven. They have fair skin
and dark hair
and wide eyes
and full breasts
and slender waists
and soft voices
and sweet words
and pleasant smells
and charming manners
and modest behaviors
and obedient attitudes
and faithful hearts.
Heaven has many pleasures that are beyond imagination or description
They include seeing Allah's face
and hearing His voice
and talking to Him
and being near Him
and feeling His love
and receiving His mercy
and enjoying His bounty
and witnessing His majesty
and praising His glory
and thanking His generosity
and obeying His commands
and following His guidance
and fulfilling His rights
and meeting His prophets
and companions
and martyrs
and righteous people
and relatives
and friends
and having whatever one wishes for
or asks for
or thinks of.
Heaven is eternal and everlasting.
It does not end or fade away.
It does not change or decay.
It does not diminish or decrease.
It does not bore or tire.
It does not disappoint or regret.
It does not lose or waste.
It does not harm or hurt.
It only increases in joy and bliss forever.
What are some of the benefits of reading Tamasya Ke Surga?
Reading Tamasya Ke Surga by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah can have many benefits for the readers such as:
It can increase their faith and certainty in Allah's promise of paradise and make them more eager to attain it.
It can increase their hope and optimism in Allah's mercy and forgiveness and make them more repentant from their sins.
It can increase their gratitude and appreciation for Allah's favors and blessings and make them more thankful and content.
It can increase their love and devotion for Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him) and make them more obedient and loyal.
It can increase their awareness and mindfulness of the hereafter and make them more prepared and vigilant.
It can increase their motivation and enthusiasm for doing good deeds and make them more generous and charitable.
It can increase their happiness and joy in this world and the next and make them more peaceful and serene.
What are some of the tips on how to read Tamasya Ke Surga?
Here are some tips on how to read Tamasya Ke Surga by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah:
Read it with sincerity and humility, seeking Allah's pleasure and guidance.
Read it with attention and concentration, pondering over its meanings and implications.
Read it with reverence and respect, honoring its author and sources.
Read it with curiosity and interest, exploring its details and insights.
Read it with emotion and passion, feeling its beauty and bliss.
Read it with action and application, implementing its teachings and advice.
Read it with sharing and spreading, recommending it to others and benefiting from it together.
How can you get a copy of Tamasya Ke Surga?
If you are interested in reading Tamasya Ke Surga by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, you have several options to get a copy of it. You can:
Buy an eBook version from Google Books for $1.39. You can read it online or download it to your device.
Download a PDF version from Archive.org for free. You can print it or read it on your computer or mobile phone.
Borrow a hard copy from a library or a friend who has it. You can check the availability and location of the book on WorldCat.org.
Order a printed copy from an online bookstore or a local bookstore that sells Islamic books. You can compare the prices and delivery options on BookFinder.com.
How can you benefit from Tamasya Ke Surga?
Reading Tamasya Ke Surga by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah is not enough to benefit from it. You also need to:
Reflect on its contents and apply them to your life. Think about how you can improve your relationship with Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him), how you can increase your good deeds and avoid your bad deeds, how you can prepare for the hereafter and avoid the hellfire, and how you can attain paradise and enjoy its pleasures.
Share its contents and inspire others. Tell your family and friends about what you learned from the book, invite them to read it or give them a copy of it, discuss its topics and points with them, and encourage them to follow its teachings and advice.
Review its contents and remember them. Do not let the book gather dust on your shelf or delete it from your device. Revisit it from time to time, refresh your memory and knowledge, and renew your intention and motivation.
Tamasya Ke Surga by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah is a book that takes the readers on a journey to paradise and shows them its beauty and bliss. It is based on the Quran, the Sunnah and the authentic narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions. It is written in a simple and clear language that is easy to understand and follow. It is not only informative but also inspirational and motivational. It can increase the faith and hope of the believers in Allah's promise of paradise and make them more eager to attain it. It can also increase their gratitude and appreciation for Allah's favors and blessings and make them more thankful and content. It can also increase their love and devotion for Allah and His messenger (peace be upon him) and make them more obedient and loyal. It can also increase their awareness and mindfulness of the hereafter and make them more prepared and vigilant. It can also increase their motivation and enthusiasm for doing good deeds and make them more generous and charitable. It can also increase their happiness and joy in this world and the next and make them more peaceful and serene.
If you want to read Tamasya Ke Surga by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah, you can get a copy of it from various sources such as Google Books, Archive.org, WorldCat.org or BookFinder.com. You can also benefit from it by reflecting on its contents and applying them to your life, sharing its contents and inspiring others, and reviewing its contents and remembering them.
We hope that this article has given you an overview of Tamasya Ke Surga by Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah and has encouraged you to learn more about heaven and strive for it with sincerity and devotion. May Allah grant us all paradise and protect us from hellfire. Ameen. d282676c82